Saturday, May 5, 2007

I Can't Believe it's True!

Would you believe that cow farts contribute to air pollution! I read this article (see link below) about these cows in Callifornia.
The article states that: "The San Joaquin Valley is home to a thriving dairy industry that includes some 2.5 million cattle. With more new dairy operations planned, an additional 400,000 cows are expected to arrive in the valley within the next few years.

But the dairyland is also known for its smog. Over the last six years the valley has violated the federal limit on smog levels more often than any other region in the country. "The valley air basin harbors some of the worst air quality in the entire country, and on far too many days air quality is unhealthy," said Kelly Hogan Malay of the San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District."
Does that mean that cows contribute to Global Warming?
Each student must post a comment about this.
Accessed on 5/5/07


Melvin said...

Yeah, cow's contribute to make global warming worst. If a cow farm contains 400 cows that means if they farted at the same time, global warming will be worst. Global Warming is the world's hardest job ever.

CO2 gGladiator said...

Maybe. We just don't know.Maybe cow farts contribute into another type of gasses. You know, not all gases from cars contribute to global warming. But the farm will sure stink....

justin said...

I'm not sure because there are lot's of cars and that contributes to global warming. If there are lots of cows that is also maybe causing global warming.

Jesse said...

I think this is true. We need to take cow from the earth. the reason is because it could cause global warming.

Jesse said...

I think this is true. We need to take cow from the earth. the reason is because it could cause global warming.

Priscilla said...

Dear Mrs. Jane,

I can't beleive it's true either. But it is possible because animals do breathe out Carbon Dioxide (like us)which can contribute to GLobal Warming. If they breathe out Carbon Dioxide it is also possible that their farts and other things that they produce contribute to Global Warming.

-Priscilla T.-

CO2 gGladiator said...

Mrs. Jane, I went browsing the other day and I am very excited to tell you that farts do contain Carbon Dioxide! I think cow farts this much contribute largely to the Global Warming. I can't believe it!